News and Activities
Pizza Roma is the perfect place to host your next event. Close friends, loving family and great food will leave a lasting impression and create memories to cherish. Check out the latest Events, News and Reviews below. | |
Pizza Playoff’s Final FormaggioIn the recent Cleveland Pizza Playoffs, Pizza Roma was voted Winner of the Far East Region. The contest started with 300 nominated pizza shops in the Greater Cleveland area with 64 making it to the playoffs.
Adaptive ProgramPizza Roma is committed to the community. Through our Adoptive Program will help build lasting memories by sharing our passion for great food with others. We are proud to contribute and help our neighbors and invite you to join us in helping others. If you would like to get involved or find out more about our Adoptive Program please give us a call or better yet, stop in! |
Making Pizzas With The KidsPeriodically Pizza Roma is host to neighborhood children and Public School Classes alike. We teach the kids about making pizza and showing them behind the scenes. They get a chance to create their own pizza and sample it. Let us know if your class would enjoy an afternoon of pizza fun!
Gatherings with Friends & FamilySummertime is the perfect time to get out and meet the community at large and give people a chance to sample our pizza. Mark your calendar and come on out to meet us! |
Birthday PartiesHave your child’s birthday party at Pizza Roma! Contact Pizza Roma today for details. |